The Pacifica Evening News, Weekdays

The KPFA Evening News, Weekdays – November 11, 2003

  • A Syrian-born Canadian man calls for an investigation into his deportation to Syria where he says he was tortured for information about terrorism.
  • The head of the U.S. Occupation in Iraq is abrubtly called back to Washington for a meating on the failures of the U.S. appointed Iraqi governing council.
  • A British medical group estimates that 55,000 Iraqis have perished as a result of the U.S. war and its aftermath.
  • Immigrant Janitors hired by contractors to clean Walmart stores bring a racketeering lawsuit against the retail giant.
  • SF Mayoral candidate Matt Gonzalez unveils his platform for the city’s schools.
  • SF City Attorney rules that supervisor Chris Daley’s controversial appointments to the Public Utility Commission while acting as mayor for a day was not legal.
  • Presidential Candidate Wesley Clark supports a constitutional amendment banning flag burning.

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