Meet Margherita Gudenzi, a woman with RSI who, with help from a local non-profit, parents a young and active child. Meet Gary Karp, a wheelchair user who feared for his hard-won independence when he contracted RSI. And, meet Andrea Hill who doesn’t let the pain of
fibromyalgia keep her from caring for 4 children while finishing a college degree. They talk to
hosts, John Healy and Adrienne Lauby, about what they’ve learned to improve and what they’ve learned to accept.
RSI Support Groups
East Bay RSI Support Group
Next meeting April 14, 7 pm with Ann Koh, an acupuncturist
New Location:
1471 Addison St
(510) 466-5814
San Francisco RSI Support Group
The first Monday of the month.
April 6, 7 pm (next Monday night) Dr. Jeffrey R. Ralph, the director of the Neuropathy Center at the UCSF Medical Center.
(415) 550-1420
Program Resources:
The Center for Accessible Technology
Access to computers for people with disabilities.
(510) 841-3224 –Voice
(510) 841-7956 – FAX
[email protected]
Gary Karp, author-speaker
[email protected]
Through the Looking Glass
Serving families with disabilities.
1-800-644-2666 (Voice)
1-800-804-1616 (TTY)
(510) 848-1112 local
(510) 848-4445 FAX