Civic Center Plaza, by City Hall
San Francisco
KPFA will be broadcasting live from the festival Noon to 4 PM
Ask many Poor Youth of Color nowadays: "When did the Civil Rights Movement occur? What does Human rights mean to you?" —Shrug… Dunno… who cares… probably won’t live to see 18 anyhow…
The event is dedicated to Poor Youth of Color, their families, teachers and elders, educating them about Human and Civil Rights Violations affecting their present and future, laying out clear demands &concrete solutions at local &national government and street level. We are creating a template to "Take the Show on the Road" to other Counties, States & Abroad.
Countless endorsements from concerned community members and progressive city and state government officials yearning and "Banging 4 Change" will bring thousands! Concert and spoken words, revolution fashion show, speakers, ethnic market, and Bang4Change Art Exhibit!