Democracy Now 9am (rebroadcast)

Democracy Now! (6 am) – April 1, 2005

The Zimbabwe Elections: Opposition Accuses Mugabe of Rigging the Vote

Yesterday, parliamentary elections took place in Zimbabwe. Reports from the country say that the elections went off relatively peacefully. And for the first time- the opposition party, Movement for Democratic Change, was able to campaign openly. The party is the first to seriously challenge President Mugabe’s government since Zimbabwe won independence in 1980.

Taliban Country: Afghanistan 3 1/2 Years After the U.S. Invasion

We talk to Sonali Kolhatkar, co-Director of the Afghan Women’s Mission and filmmaker, Carmela Baranowska who was embedded with 800 U.S. Marines in one of the most remote and dangerous parts of Afghanistan. She made a film called Taliban Country which is a disturbing expose of American actions in that country.

A Look At The Legacy of Pope John Paul II

Pope John Paul II is in what the Vatican describes as very grave condition and has been administered the last rites after suffering heart failure yesterday. The 84-year-old Pope reportedly decided himself not to go to the hospital.

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