The Pacifica Evening News, Weekdays

The KPFA Evening News, Weekdays – November 18, 2004

A U.S. lieutenant general declares that his forces have broken the back of
the Iraqi resistance in Fallujah, but U.S. troops fight with guerillas both
within the shattered city and elsewhere in Iraq. ..a U.S. and an Iraqi
soldiers are killed in a clash in Fallujah

In a case of mistaken identity Israeli troops kill three Egyptian
police officers along the Gaza Strip border with Egypt. …Israel’s prime
minister personally calls the president of Egypt to apologize

A group of U.C. Berkeley graduate students say irregularities with electronic
voting machines in Florida gave president Bush as many as a quarter million
extra votes — but not enough to change the outcome in the state

Senator Arlen Spector — a defender of abortion rights – gets the backing of
fellow Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee winning his fight to
chair the panel that reviews judicial nominees

A federal judge orders an investigation into whether the California prison
guards union has too much power

A tool kit to make San Francisco schools safer for lesbian, gay, and
transgender students

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