Democracy Now 6am

Democracy Now! (6 am) – November 3, 2004

Showdown 2004: The Morning After

An Expanded Democracy Now! Special Election Report November 3, 2004, on KPFA from 6-7am and 9-10am.

The 2004 Presidential election brings some of the highest stakes in US
political history. The occupation of Iraq, the fighting in Afghanistan, the
war on civil liberties at home and the future of the Supreme Court all hang
in the balance. There are widespread fears that the 2004 elections could go
the way of Florida in 2000. Already, there have been major controversies
developing in key states across the country. The Democrats are deploying
10,000 lawyers to challenge any scandals that emerge; the Republicans are
deploying thousands of operatives to challenge voter eligibility. And voter
rights and civil rights groups are sending out thousands of Voter Protection
workers to monitor the fairness of the vote and to ensure that every vote
counts. On November 3, Democracy Now! will expand its broadcast to 2 hours
of coverage, incorporating breaking news, a roundup of all of the action
from voting day and analysis from some of the leading journalists, analysts,
activists and scholars on what it all means for the future of this divided
country and a war-ravaged world.

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