In the first hour Netanyahu thinks Hitler wasn’t so bad after all. We’ll ask Joel Beinin, Professor of Middle East History at Stanford University. In the second hour the Tea Party at Bengazi with Victor Menotti Director, International Forum on Globalization.

This week’s program addresses the Black Lives Matter movement, and other efforts to challenge police brutality. Devonte Jackson, organizer with the Black Alliance for Just Immigration (BAJI) speaks about uniting Black communities against abuses by police and other agencies of government. Attorney Izaak Schwaiger summarizes a pending civil rights lawsuit on behalf of inmates at … Continued

Haiti Elections Voters in Haiti are heading to the polls this Sunday to vote in the first round of Presidential elections to replace Michel Martelly.  54 candidates are vying for the Presidency. It’ll also be the second round of legislative elections and local elections.  The first round of legislative elections held in August was marked … Continued

Ignoring U.S. Destabilization of Libya, GOP Benghazi Hearing Asks Clinton All the Wrong Questions; “Seeking Asylum is Not a Crime”: European Rights Chief on Refugee Crisis & “Shameful” U.S. Response; Victims of U.S. Rendition & Torture Starting to Reclaim Rights Says Council of Europe Rights Chief; “Everybody is a Suspect”: European Rights Chief on Edward … Continued

Hillary Rodham Clinton faces a public grilling before a congressional committee today. The House committee investigating the 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya will also ask her about statements she made regarding her use of a personal email account as secretary of state. We’ll talk about her testimony with Gerald Horne, professor of History and African American Studies at the University … Continued

We speak to the Sheriff of San Francisco and the two people hoping to unseat him on November 3rd–and take a hard look at everything from how the city runs its jails, to how it works with federal immigration authorities. Guests: John Robinson, former lieutenant in the San Francisco Sheriff’s Department, now CEO of Inter-State … Continued