On the Deck, KPFA Announcements for March 2022

Welcome to On the Deck, your monthly roundup for news and events at KPFA!

KPFA celebrates International Women’s Day with a 24-hr special broadcast on March 13th. There will be a live Zoom Event with Authors Tony Messenger and Lucy Kang on March 24. Tickets available on Eventbrite. Program updates around the station. Josh Elwood celebrates 30 years working at KPFA with a special interview. The station remembers Stuart Steinhardt with a commemorative plaque in the phone room. And KPFA honors banned books with the Winter Fund drive.

KPFA also celebrates Josh Elwood who has been working at KPFA for 30 years. He started as a volunteer when he was 25. He was first introduced to KPFA when his father, Phil Elwood, would bring him to the station to help carry records he’d play for his jazz program on Sunday mornings, “Jazz Archives with Phil Elwood.” Josh is very special to the KPFA family. Interview by mikO Tolliver.