LSB July 2016 meeting records

KPFA LSB regular in-person meeting
Agenda – REVISION #2
July 9, 2016 11am-4pm
SEIU Local 1021 building
100 Oak Street, Oakland CA
Item # Time* Item Est start time
1 Call to Order 11:00 AM
2 5 Roll Call and Excusing of Absent Members 11:00 AM
3 5 Approve Agenda 11:05 AM
4 5 Approve Minutes 11:10 AM
5 5 Announcements 11:15 AM
7 20 General manager’s report 11:50 AM
8 60 Treasurer’s Report 12:10 PM
     A. FY2017 budget
9 10 Break 1:10 PM
10 10 CAB report 1:20 PM
11 PNB
15 A.   PNB report 1:30 PM
20 B.   By-laws amendments 1:45 PM
12 New Business
15     A  Motion to recuse (J. Moore) 2:05 PM
20     B. Motion to dissolve (J. Moore) 2:20 PM
13 Old Business
20     A  Directors’ access to employee records – LSB chair’s report 2:40 PM
10     B.  Motion regarding WBAI non-representation on PNB (A. Fest) 3:00 PM
14 Adjourn 3:10 PM
*Times are advisory.



KPFA Local Station Board
Regular in-person meeting
July 9, 2016
, 11am-4:00pm
SEIU Local 1021 building
100 Oak Street, Oakland CA

Note: An audio archive of this meeting is available at

Present: Sharon Adams, Craig Alderson, William Campisi, Anthony Fest, Kate Gowen**, Mark Hernandez**, Sabrina Jacobs, David Lynch, Joy Moore, TM Scruggs, Frank Sterling, Ramsés Teón-Nichols*, Carole Travis, Barbara Whipperman, Margy Wilkinson, Rych Withers.
*Arrived after roll call.
**Participated by remote connection

Absent: Brian Edwards-Tiekert, José Luis Fuentes, Sasha Futran, Janet Kobren, Tim Lynch, Samsarah Morgan, Scott Olsen, Leland Thompson, Burton White, Quincy McCoy (ex officio).

1.   Call to order
Meeting called to order at 11:30 am by chair C. Travis.

2.   Roll call and excusing of members
Moved (TM Scruggs) that members who cannot attend meetings should notify LSB secretary of their absence. Approved unanimously by voice vote.

Moved (M. Wilkinson) to excuse B. Edwards-Tiekert, J. L. Fuentes, S. Futran, J. Kobren, T. Lynch, S. Morgan, L. Thompson, B. White. Approved unanimously by voice vote.

3.   Approve agenda
Moved (C. Alderson) to convene as Delegate Assembly prior to item 11.B, by-laws amendments. Approved unanimously by voice vote.

Moved (B. Whipperman) to approve agenda. Approved unanimously by voice vote.

4.   Minutes
Moved (S. Adams) to approve minutes of June 11, 2016, meeting as drafted. Approved unanimously by voice vote.

5.   Announcements
S. Adams.

6.   Public comments
No public comments.

7.   GM report (Q. McCoy)
No general manager’s report.

8.   Treasurer report (B. Whipperman)
Moved (B. Whipperman): “The KPFA LSB endorses three motions passed by the Naitonal Finance Committee in their June 21st and July 6th meetings which conveyed recommendations to the Pacifica National Board relating to fundraising efforts. The three motions were as follows:

  • That the NFC recommend that the PNB direct all local station boards and board members to immediately undertake fundraising efforts as follows: 1) seeking sustaining memberships without premiums.
  • That the NFC recommend that the PNB direct all local station boards and board members to immediately undertake fundraising efforts as follows: 2) seeking people who might provide no-interest loans to the foundation to finance a fundraising mailing by the National Office.
  • The National Finance Committee recommends that Pacifica’s iED convene conference calls between station staff directly involved with organizing fund drives to identify and spread high-performing premiums and spe3cials, best practices for pitching during fund drives, billing after fund drives, and fulfilling premiums after payment. These should be separate from the weekly ‘leadership’ calls, and focused exclusively on fund drives.”

Approved unanimously by voice vote.

The treasurer and business manager Maria Negret distributed several reports regarding the budget and fund drive performance. They explained the documents and answered questions.

Board agreed to add board fundraising to August meeting agenda.

9.   CAB
No CAB report.

10.   PNB

By-law amendments
Board recessed as LSB and convened as Delegate Assembly to consider by-law amendments.

  1. Bylaws amendment to correct inconsistent text re Affiliates election date. Moved (TM Scruggs) to approve. Approved: 13Y (S. Adams, C. Alderson, B. Campisi, M. Hernandez, S. Jacobs, D. Lynch, J. Moore, TM Scruggs, F. Sterling, R. Teón-Nichols, C. Travis, B. Whipperman, M. Wilkinson); 0N; 2A (A. Fest, K. Gowen)
  1. Bylaws amendment re record date
    Failed for lack of a motion.
  1. Bylaws amendment defining “designated agent” for directors’ inspections
    Failed for lack of a motion.

Board reconvened as LSB.

PNB (M. Wilkinson)
M. Wilkinson reported on status of nominations at stations, replacement of director of Pacifica Radio Archives, and coverage of national conventions. Emergency meeting scheduled for July 14 to discuss Pacifica’s dire financial situation. Board discusses Pacifica issues relating to governance, finance, relationship to Pacifica.

Moved (J. Moore) to move to next agenda item. Failed (6Y, 6N, 3A).

Moved (B. Campisi) to hold Pacifica discussion in abeyance and move to new business. Approved (8Y, 0N, 5A).

11.   New Business

  1. Motion to recuse (J. Moore)
    J. Moore moved that “Members of the KPFA LSB with a material conflict of interest be recused from participation in motions and voting on KPFA business and policy matters.” Following discussion, J. Moore withdrew her motion.
  2. Motion to dissolve (J. Moore)
    Moved (J. Moore) that “The California Secretary of State’s Office be notified that the KPFA Foundation is to be dissolved, effective upon receipt of this notice. All assets held in the name of the KPFA Foundation are transferred to the Pacifica KPFA Radio national office.” Failed (3Y, 10N, 2A)

B. Campisi proposed work groups to prepare for next LSB meeting reviews on the following Pacifica topics: 1) governance, 2) WBAI, 3) Pacifica Radio Archives. There was board consensus on this proposals and members volunteered for work groups.

Adjourned 3:10 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Craig Alderson