Avándaro 50 Años: La Onda Chicana 2

Eratóstenes Flores comenta sobre la música del segundo programa dedicado a La Onda Chicana. Producción y Conducción por Miguel Guerrero. Sunday, September 12, 2021. 5 PM California, 7 PM CDMX, 8 PM New York. https://kpfa.org/program/rock-en-rebelion/  

Dia de la Madre y Reporte Sobre las Protestas en Colombia

Eljuri comenta sobre la canción Indiferencia, compuesta por su madre. Edson Velandia reporta sobre la ola de protestas en Colombia y la represion del gobierno de Iván Duque. Conducción y producción por Miguel Guerrero. Sunday, May 9, 2021. KPFA 94.1 FM and kpfa.org 5 PM California, 7 PM Mexico City, 8 PM New York

Siblings in Liberation: African and Asian American Feminist Solidarity

What are the radical possibilities of catalyzing cross-racial feminist solidarities, imaginations, and substantive realities? What revolutions must we create within ourselves to dismantle our prejudices, discrimination, and silences to create the world we want to see? We’re featuring audio from the Asian American Writers’ Workshop’s event Siblings in Liberation, Black and Asian Feminist Solidarities, which … Continued

Women of Color Perspectives On Self Care

In this past year we have seen young activists take to the streets, the screens, and promote social justice work from their homes. WOC of especially are incredibly active in their respective spaces because of their passion and true desire to create change in communities. However, as it is important to highlight their work we … Continued

Feminist Faith Leaders Speak

In this hour, Margo Okazawa-Rey is in conversation with three Bay Area feminist faith leaders who are devoting their lives to creating a just and truly secure world where all life will thrive. Jehan Hakim, Reverend Deborah Lee, and Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb  describe their entry into and development as leaders in their faith traditions, the contradictions of … Continued

Las Históricas from Costa Rica

Las Históricas es una plataforma de comunicación feminista transmitida a través de plataformas digitales. Somos siete mujeres feministas que buscamos brindar espacios de discusión y análisis relacionados al género y los derechos humanos. Puedes escuchar nuestro podcast o bien, acceder a nuestro contenido multimedia a través de nuestra página web. Además, todos nuestros programas se … Continued

Nissei and Sansei Japanese American Women Looking Back and Ahead

Voices of Japanese American women elders are heard mainly inside their own communities and families. They hold the memories of a painful past that criminalized and removed them officially from their existence as “Americans”  by President Franklin Roosevelt in his  Executive order 9066  on February 19, 1942. The elders re-tell their experiences of incarceration and transformation and connect … Continued