Scoop Nisker’s Earth Day Rant 2018
Scoop Nisker’s Earth Day Rant 2018
Thank you for laptops, velcro and living in an inter-glacial period. Thanks for the Hubble spacecraft pictures, life on other planets and that it’s not just about us. Thanks for gravity as we hurl through space on this rock. Thanks for all the wisdom of the world available to us, for the beauty of the … Continued
Scoop’s Summer of Love Rant. Can you dig it? Put some flowers in your pipe and journey back 50 years to when the world was young. The Summer of Love. A bus full of laughing hippies takes idealistic flower children to frolic in the sun. Savor the world and have another toke. Celebrate the age … Continued
Scoop’s Spring, Earth Day, Passover, Easter Equinox Rant. Let my people be here now! To paraphrase cosmolgist Brian Swimme only 4 billion years ago the earth was a ball of molten rock and now it can play the guitar! If we declare ourselves divine, is not the slime also divine and where do you draw … Continued
Wes “Scoop” Nisker asks us to let our fools-self shine. All of us driving around in our private boxes of steel and plastic as we burn up millions of years of the accumulated energy of the sun in one bonfire of the vanities. In short we are cooking ourselves, would you like fries with that? … Continued
Scoop Nisker asks us to expand our capacities to love on this Valentine’s Day 2017….
In this first episode of “The Occasional Scoop,” Kris Welch interviews Wes “Scoop” Nisker about his new book “You Are Not Your Fault.
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