What if the least reliable people about spirituality are those who call themselves ‘spiritual?’ Let’s talk about the new (c)age psy-op and how to unlearn it.
Let’s have some respect for the power of spirituality by disentangling it from insultingly commercialized distortions. Why let our ancestral wisdom continue to get tainted by marketing manipulation? In the settler colonial U.S., spirituality is widely associated with anti-intellectualism due to a tragic conflation with the new (c)age psy-op. What a massive con job. Sloppy generalizations, a lack of vetting sources, and the entitlement of rape culture have coalesced into a deadly market of half-truths that ensnare millions of our loved ones. Let’s unpack how these opportunistic scams get perpetuated & how to stop the bypassing so folks can reconnect with power & potential.
PS- Yes, this is a lil’ snippet of my book Pulling Weeds & Planting Seeds: on Decolonial Discernment. Make sure to cite my intellectual production if you’re inspired by these ideas & wanna share them out! Don’t steal from BIWOC – have ethics! Don’t plagiarize or my folx will come for you.
PPS- Please help Liberation Spring on Patreon or Paypal so this book can support our discernment in these deadly times.