A conversation with Jim Obergefell, co-author of Love Wins: The Lovers and Lawyers Who Fought the Landmark Case for Marriage Equality. Hosted by Richard Wolinsky
Jim Obergefell’s husband John in Ohio was dying when he was approached by an attorney who explained that because the state did not recognize gay marriages from other states, Jim’s name would never appear on John’s death certificate. Jim and John both agreed to go for it, and the result, in June 2015 in the case Obergefell v Hodges, the Supreme Court made gay marriage the law of the land. Since then he has become a spokesperson for gay rights around the country.
The book Love Wins, co-written by journalilst Debbie Cenziper, tells the story of the marriage equality case against the backdrop of Jim and John’s relationship, and the relationships of others who also joined the case.
In this compelling discussion, Jim Obergefell talks about the case, about his relationship, and about how his life has changed in the past year.