A Conversation with Gore Vidal, 1990.
This encore podcast originally was posted on November 18, 2015 and reposted on May 26, 2017. Always worth another listen.
Gore Vidal (1925-2012) was the author of such novels as Burr, 1976, Julian and Myra Breckinridge, as well as one of America’s greatest essayists. On June 30, 1990, he sat down with Richard Wolinsky for an illuminating interview about his career as both writer and social critic. The interview was transcribed and published in the San Francisco Bay Guardian on July 11, 1990. It was recorded in the offices of the KPFA Folio because the off-air studio at 2207 Shattuck Avenue was incapacitated, which frequently happened in the years before the move to the building on Martin Luther King Jr. Way.