Feral Visions

Dr. Sarah Hunt on Resurgent Cultures of Consent (FV Ep. 1)

Learn from Dr. Sarah Hunt about resurgent cultures of consent, consensual allyship, decolonizing the roots of rape culture, & bodily sovereignty & sex sovereignty! Brought to you by liberationspring.com.

Some of the resources she shared in our dialogue:
o Violence on the Land, Violence on our Bodies: Building an Indigenous Response to Environmental Violence report & toolkit
o Native Youth Sexual Health Network www.nativeyouthsexualhealth.com
o It Starts with Us itstartswithus-mmiw.com
o Sisters in Spirit www.nwac.ca/policy-areas/violen…/sisters-in-spirit/
o No More Silence nomoresilence-nomoresilence.blogspot.com
o indigenoussexsovereignty.tumblr.com
o @ TheSarahHunt on Twitter

For listeners, how can you expand your practice of consent after learning from this dialogue? (This could be internally, interpersonally, politically, when attempting allyship or accompliceship, ecologically, etc.) What can you do to create a context where consent is even a viable possibility in the first place? Let us know in the comments section below!

For more support in decolonizing your mind, including online classes, check out liberationspring.com.

facebook & instagram: @liberationspring
twitter: @libspring
youtube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCKskexpXNUKU1O16qWxL0Sw

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