Feral Visions

Dr. David Delgado Shorter on Understanding Indigenous “Spirituality” (FV ep 6)

Are you weirded out by the way that some folks talk about Indigenous spiritualities? On today’s episode of Feral Visions, we’re delving into the romantic idea of ‘Indian spirituality.’ Come learn from Dr. David Delgado Shorter about some of the power dynamics thru which it’s been imagined & maintained within the dominant, Eurocentric, settler colonial US. We’ll discuss some material implications of generalizations about Indigenous spiritualities, including who & what benefits from them in our current neocolonial context. Join me as we bravely unlearn so we can then shift our practices & decolonize this society.
To learn more about Dr. Shorter’s work, visit: www.davidshorter.com.

For more support in decolonizing your mind, including online classes, check out liberationspring.com.

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