Against the Grain

Malthus, Market Fundamentalism, and Welfare’s Trajectory

The idea that human society and markets are self-regulating, and that therefore political intervention to address poverty and equality is wrong-headed, has taken over the political landscape. Fred Block shows how that idea, advanced by T. R. Malthus and much later by Charles Murray, has pushed governments to abandon safety-net protections. (Encore presentation.) Fred Block … Continued

Against the Grain

Malthus, Market Fundamentalism, and Welfare’s Trajectory

The idea that human society and markets are self-regulating, and that therefore political intervention to address poverty and equality is wrong-headed, has taken over the political landscape. Fred Block shows how that idea, advanced by T. R. Malthus and much later by Charles Murray, has pushed governments to abandon safety-net protections. Fred Block and Margaret … Continued