Special Broadcast

Pacifica Radio Archives Fund Drive Day 1 Hour 6

This National 2 day Broadcast and Fundraiser is for the Pacifica Radio Archives.  All 5 Pacifica Stations are banding together to support Pacifica Radio Archives in its efforts to preserve our priceless recorded history.  You may have already heard historic Pacifica recordings from important voices such as Dr Martin Luther King Jr, Bob Dylon and Maya Angelou, to name a few. Also, rest assured that News, Public Affairs and Music programming that you hear today, will be the archival gems of tomorrow.

Please make a $250 donation today and as a thank you gift, we will send you 1300 hours of Pacifica’s best historic recordings contained on a single USB drive. To make your donation, donate securely online at supportPRA.org.  Your donation today makes it possible for us to continue to restore and care for this one of a kind collection.