Caroline welcomes the return of Michael Stocker, emissary from the Ocean World to human culture, alerting us to the danger of currently ill-designed off-shore wind farms, having not-yet-considered the harm to Whales etc… Venus design Council… Biomimicry… Let’s become like the Ocean to protect the Ocean…
Ocean scientist, Marine acoustician, jazz musician – Michael is dedicated to all true chorusing on this planet. He has written and spoken about marine bio-acoustics and the impacts ocean noise pollution on marine life since 1992. Michael’s book Hear Where We Are: Sound, Ecology, and Sense of Place – human and animal sound perception cultivated over a lifetime of interdisciplinary thinking incorporating his studies in world cultures, western intellectual history, physics, architecture, biology, acoustics, signal processing, music, theology, and literature.
Ocean Conservation Research:
& all fluid like Ocean, we will be joined also by Dave Gallo – deep Ocean scientist – that we may spiral forth the swoosh of Ocean guiding us to appropriate design response…
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