The Visionary Activist Show

The Visionary Activist Show – Allying with Ocean

Michael Stocker (center) with OCR team in Alaska

Caroline welcomes the return of Michael Stocker, emissary from the Ocean World to human culture, alerting us to the danger of currently ill-designed off-shore wind farms, having not-yet-considered the harm to Whales etc… Venus design Council… Biomimicry… Let’s become like the Ocean to protect the Ocean…

Ocean scientist, Marine acoustician, jazz musician – Michael is dedicated to all true chorusing on this planet. He has written and spoken about marine bio-acoustics and the impacts ocean noise pollution on marine life since 1992. Michael’s book Hear Where We Are: Sound, Ecology, and Sense of Place – human and animal sound perception cultivated over a lifetime of interdisciplinary thinking incorporating his studies in world cultures, western intellectual history, physics, architecture, biology, acoustics, signal processing, music, theology, and literature.

Ocean Conservation Research:

& all fluid like Ocean, we will be joined also by Dave Gallo – deep Ocean scientist – that we may spiral forth the swoosh of Ocean guiding us to appropriate design response…


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