Hard Knock Radio

Coronavirus Capitalism

this episode is no longer available

We are potentially entering a period of austerity in the US at a level not seen since the Great Depression. By mid-April, over 22 million people had filed for unemployment benefits. And its unclear whether jobs and businesses that people left behind will still be there once stay-at-home orders are lifted.

The world as we knew it seemingly turned upside down overnight. This strange and abrupt stop to business as usual has shined a light on the capitalist systems that are once again sheltering big business with no strings-attached corporate bailouts while simultaneously leaving America’s working class without a functioning safety net during these most vulnerable times.

On April 9th, Naomi Klein, Astra Taylor and Keeanga Yahmahtta Taylor joined forces to talk about How to Beat Coronavirus Capitalism. Collectively they lift up strategies for helping our neighbors, defending our rights, and protecting the environment.

And, Prof. Kris Peterson breaks down the financialization of pandemics through World Bank pandemic bonds.

Naomi Klein, Astra Taylor, and Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, Kris Peterson-UC Irvine Dept. of Anthropology.

The Album, Social Distancing
Can’t Stop Me featuring Kev Choice and Jenn Johns
Sheltered Displaced featuring Kev Choice and Kareaga Bailey


Special thanks to Making Contact for granting us permission to air Covid-19 Pandemic and Bonds. https://www.radioproject.org/

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