Talk-It-Out Radio

Loving Conflict in Our Primary Intimate Relationships

Host Nancy Kahn talks with guest Max Rivers, author of the new book Loving ConflictMr. Rivers discusses how to practice embodied Nonviolent Communication in primary intimate relationships, how to use conflict to unlock intimacy, and ways to return to effortless love using a process he and his partner developed called the Teamwork method. Mr. Rivers covers three stages of relationships: the infatuation stage, the differences stage (conflict stage) and the mature relationship. Nancy and Mr. Rivers talk about how the skills of mediation can improve primary relationships and help surface the root cause of conflict so that more needs can be met.

Listeners are invited to call in to the show at 7:30 pm (510-848-4425 or 1800-958-9008) to ask focused questions or provide comments related to the show’s topic.

Max Rivers is the lead mediator at where he pioneered marriage mediation. He has developed a six-session process to help couples learn how to use Nonviolent Communication to navigate their difficult conversations. He is available at his office in Philadelphia or worldwide over video conferencing. He is the author of a book about his work with couples entitled, Loving Conflict, available at

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