
Naima Shalhoub Live in the SF County Jail, Collective Courage

Naima Shalhoub Live in the SF County Jail

image via naimashalhoub.bandcamp.com
image via naimashalhoub.bandcamp.com

We’re getting ready to close out 2015 with some borderland soul.  Singer Naima Shalhoub joins us in studio to talk about her debut album, Live in San Francisco County Jail.

Collective Courage: A History of African American Cooperative Economic Thought and Practice

Economic cooperation and cooperatives have been a strategy for black liberation in the United States since people were pooling their resources to buy each other out of slavery and forming self-sustaining maroon colonies.  Since then, coops have been used as an economic base for Marcus Garvey’s Universal Negro Improvement Association, and more recently as a strategy for nonprofits and unions with a social justice mission.  Jessica Gordon Nembhard chronicles that history in her book, Collective Courage: A History of African American Cooperative Economic Thought and Practice

Marie Choi hosts.

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