Hard Knock Radio

Racist Terrorism in Buffalo: How the Mainstreaming of White Supremacy Puts the Nation at Risk with Tim Wise

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In this presentation, anti-racist educator Tim Wise examines how overt racism has increasingly penetrated American political discourse and has contributed to terrorist violence, most recently in Buffalo, Pittsburgh, Charlottesville, El Paso and Charleston. Having begun his career in the campaigns to defeat Neo-Nazi David Duke in his runs for political office, Wise has been a witness to a 30-year process of … Continued

We speak with journalist and music critic John Villanova, about the limitation of Black Excellence within the confines of Award shows. John Vilanova is a third-year PhD student at the Annenberg School for Communication. His broad research and writing agenda focuses on the production, reception, and consumption of African American and Afro-diasporic music. His current … Continued