Womens Magazine

Women’s Magazine – February 7, 2011

Today on Women’s Magazine we celebrate Black History month by celebrating movements advocating for freedom and respect for oppressed communities.  Preeti Mangala Shekar reports on International Solidarity Day in the Bay Area and Eryn Mathewson talks with Jean Denton-Thompson about Freedom Rides and the American Civil Rights Movement.

Womens Magazine

Women’s Magazine – January 31, 2011

Malihe Razazan speaks with Tunisian filmmaker Kolthoum Bornaz about the current uprising as well as her film, The Other Half of the Sky. And Kate Raphael talks to doulas Kathy Woo, Cindy Whitman-Bradley and Desiree Tamsky about this emerging area of women’s health. We also fill you in on the crisis at Lyon-Martin clinic and … Continued

Womens Magazine

Womens Magazine – January 3, 2011

This Monday on Women’s Magazine, we look back at stories related to women and gender issues which were underreported in both the mainstream and progressive media in 2010.   On Project Censored’s Top 25 list for 2010, not one story has to do with women and gender issues. But that doesn’t mean there was so … Continued

Womens Magazine

Women’s Magazine – December 20, 2010

Today we are rebroadcasting Kate Raphael’s interview with author, Angela Bonavoglia, about her book – Good Catholic Girls: How Women are Leading the Fight to Change the Church.  Then Nina Serrano interviews singer, Meklit Hadero. We end with updates from the Women’s Community Calendar.  

Womens Magazine

Women’s Magazine – December 6, 2010

Kate Raphael speaks with Vicki Abeles, producer of the film Race to Nowhere, about challenging the achievement culture in education; and Simin Yahaghi interviews Torange Yeghiazarian on theater in Iran. After broadcast the segments will be available at http://kpfawomensmag.blogspot.com