7:00 AM PACIFIC TIME: Mondays - Fridays
UpFront delivers a mix of local, state, and international coverage through challenging interviews, civil debates, breaking updates, and in-depth discussions with authors. UpFront PM is the afternoon edition of UpFront. Pitch us at upfront@kpfa.org.
Theme Music: Turn It Up by Digital Primitives, licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (aka Music Sharing) 3.0 International License.
Up Front – June 13, 2014
Guests:Cathi Tactaquin Executive Director of the National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights and Ramses Teon Nichol Vice President of Organizing, SEIU Local
Up Front – June 12, 2014
Guests: Harley Shaiken a Professor of Geography and an authority on global labor and chair of UC Berkeley’s Center for Latin American Studies, Scott Graves the Research Director of the California Budget Project, and Marion Nestle a Professor in the Department of Nutrition, Food Studies and Public Health at New York University, and the author … Continued
Up Front – June 11, 2014
Guests:Rahul Mahajan the author of “Full Spectrum Dominance: U.S. Power in Iraq and Beyond” and his Empire Notes blog: www.empirenotes.org and Dr. Kevin Kumashiro the Dean of USF School of Education, President of National Association of Multi-Cultural Education and author of “Bad Teacher-How Blaming Teachers Distorts the Bigger Picture.”
Up Front – June 9, 2014
Guests:Evan Greer the Campaign Director for Reset the Net, Andrew Crocker a legal fellow for the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and Arun Gupta an Independent Journalist speaking on the topic of minimum wage.
Up Front – June 5, 2014
Guests: Eric Williams the President of Transport Workers Union
Up Front – June 4, 2014
Guests:Maria Sahagun an RN in the emergency department at DMC and a Richmond resident and Richard Wolinsky with a review on the new Tony Kushner production at the Berkeley Rep, “The Intelligent Homosexual’s Guide to Capitalism and Socialism, w/ a key to the scriptures.” (playing at Berkeley Rep through June 29th)
Up Front – June 3, 2014
Guests: Cory Cook a Professor of Politics at the University of San Francisco, David Cobb the National Projects Director of Democracy Unlimited, and Jeffrey Clements the President and Co-Founder of Free Speech for People and author of the “Corporations Are Not People“