7:00 AM PACIFIC TIME: Mondays - Fridays
UpFront delivers a mix of local, state, and international coverage through challenging interviews, civil debates, breaking updates, and in-depth discussions with authors. UpFront PM is the afternoon edition of UpFront. Pitch us at upfront@kpfa.org.
Theme Music: Turn It Up by Digital Primitives, licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (aka Music Sharing) 3.0 International License.
Up Front – July 25, 2014
Guests: Lia Tarachansky a filmmaker based in Jaffa and a correspondent for The Real News–currently reporting from the protests in the West Bank, Mohammed Othman a Palestinian human rights worker who’s worked with Stop The Wall and the Ecumenical Accompaniment Program, Rashid Khalidi a Professor of Arab Studies at Colombia University and author of many … Continued
Up Front – July 24, 2014
Guests: Josh Ruebner the Policy Director US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation and the author of “Shattered Hopes: Obama’s Failure to Broker Israeli-Palestinian Peace” and Juan Cole a Professor of History at the University of Michigan.
Up Front – July 23, 2014
Guests: Jamal Dajani the co-founder and producer of Arab Talk Radio and previously the Vice President of International News at Link TV, Philip Weis the founder and co-editor of mondoweiss.net, Hollin Kretzman staff atorney with the Center for Biological Diversity, and Dave Quast a California Field Director for Energy in Depth, a project of the … Continued
Up Front – July 22, 2014
Guests: Joe Catron an english teacher in the Gaza Strip who also works with the International Solidarity Movement, Yousef Al-Helou a Gaza Correspondant for the Real News Network, and Marilyn Langlois a member of the Richmond Planning Commission who is also involved in the Richmond Progressive Alliance.
Up Front – July 21, 2014
Guests: Joel Beinin a Professor of Middle East History at Stanford, Anthony d’Agostino Professor of History at San Francisco State University, and Bartlett Naylor a Financial Policy Advocate of Public Citizen’s Congress Watch Divison.
Up Front – July 18, 2014
Guests: Yousef Munayyer the Executive Director of The Jerusalem Fund, Shawndeez Davari Jadali and Annie Gorden recent graduates of PACS program, Hiroko Kurihara a founder of the 25th Street Collective and Co-curator of the Oakland Makers Exhibit and Ashara Ekundayo the Co-Founder and Chief Creative Officer of Oakland Impact Hub.
Up Front – July 17, 2014
Guests: Jovanka Beckles the Vice-Mayor of Richmond City Council and Timothy Karr the Senior Director of Strategy at Free Press.
Up Front – July 16, 2014
Guests: Rashid Khalidi a Professor of Modern Arab Studies at Columbia University, editor of the Journal of Palestine Studies, and author most recently of “Brokers of Deceit.” Michael Banks a Richmond Fire Chief, and Greg Karras a Senior Scientist for Communities for a Better Environment.
Up Front – July 15, 2014
Guests: Richard Eskow a Senior Fellow with the Campaign for America’s Future, Noura Erakat a scholar and human rights attorney who specializes in refugee, humanitarian, and national security law, and George Bisharat a Professor of Law at UC Hastings who also specializes in international law.