The FBI announced that it has broken into the iPhone of Syed Farook, one of the San Bernadino shooters–and  they did it without a court order. Cyrus Farivar joins us to discuss how and why. Plus: we talk with Samer Khalef about a new FBI surveillance program called “Shared Responsibility Committees,” that critics are calling … Continued

Bernie Sanders sweeps caucuses in Washington, Alaska, and Hawaii, and sets his sights on Wisconsin, where recent polls show him closing a narrow gap with Hillary Clinton. Plus: hanging out in the wrong neighborhood, with the wrong person, wearing the wrong color could land you in California’s Gang Database – and you’d never know until … Continued

We spend the hour on housing and homelessness. First, the economics: why housing doesn’t follow the same supply and demand dynamics as other products. Then, the crisis: the push in San Francisco to get a state of emergency declaration to deal with homelessness. Guests: Richard Walker, professor of geography emeritus at UC Berkeley – his … Continued

Exiled Iranian human rights attorney and Nobel Peace Prize winner Shirin Ebadi joins us to discuss her life and work, from the dawn of the Iranian revolution, to the backlash she and her family faced over her work. Plus: we look at health conditions for women in California prisons, and San Francisco’s latest attempt to … Continued

On Wednesday, President Obama nominated Merrick B. Garland to replace the seat of the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. We’ll talk to Marjorie Cohn about what challenges lie ahead for Obama. Then, this week Syria entered the 5th year of its civil war. Shortly after a fresh round of peace talks kicked off,  Russian President … Continued