Radio is the world’s oldest broadcast medium. It’s had a major impact on our politics: without it, the New Deal might not have happened. It’s still the world’s most-used mass communications medium. But, if you go by headlines, it’s been on the brink of death . . . for about 60 years. We speak to … Continued

Officials in Brazil have started kicking out Olympic ticket-holders for having signs of clothing protesting the actions of acting President Michel Temer — we’re going to do a quick primer on politics in Brazil, then explore this history of protest at the Olympic games. Guests:  Maria Luisa Mendonca, professor in the International Relations Department at … Continued

Five years ago, revolution was spreading across the Arab World. In different countries, it followed different courses: civil uprisings brought down Governments fell in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen. In Libya, it took armed insurrection and foreign intervention. In Bahrain, a government succeeded in suppressing mass protests. In Syria, protests triggered repression, which triggered armed insurgency, which … Continued

Debate over the trans pacific partnership has dominated conversation during this presidential campaign. To understand the origins of free trade ideology, we play excerpts from the new documentary series Capitalism. Please support KPFA during our Summer 2016 fund drive. You can find Capitalism and other gifts here.