Pacific Gas and Electric is withdrawing its application to renew licenses for its two nuclear reactors in Diablo Canyon. That means California’s last nuclear power plant will close by 2025. We’re going to talk about why, what it means about the nuclear industry in general, who’s going to foot the bill for cleaning up Diablo … Continued

After Orlando, it seemed like a really important time to foreground the stories, and the experiences, of the communities that become more vulnerable when this happens. We’re starting  with a discussion of what it means to be Muslim in post-September 11th America, then a look at the surprising lineage of racist ideas in America. (Tomorow … Continued

The abrupt resignation of Oakland’s was swiftly followed by news of a sex and  prostitution scandal involving multiple officers from multiple agencies, some sergeants and captains, some trading sex for warnings about stings. So: how widespread was it? How high up did the cover-up reach? And is it unusual, or just unusually public? We speak … Continued

Sunday morning saw at least 50 dead and 53 wounded in a mass shooting at Orlando’s Pulse Club by an American who declared his allegiance to ISIS just before the attack. The hours since have seen calls to crack down on Muslims by right-wing politicians, and unity statements from the LGBT and Muslim communities. We’ll … Continued

Terry Tempest Williams joins us to discuss her life, her work, her new book, and, for the first time, the University of Utah’s controversial move to fire her from the writing program she created, after she started bringing students to environmental protests. But first: While we were electioning, there was some big news on the … Continued