
Fred Glass on California Labor History (Repeat)

00:08 Fred Glass teaches labor and community studies at City College of San Francisco. He’s also the former communications director for the California Federation of Teachers. His book is entitled From Mission to Microchip: A History of the California Labor Movement [This interview was originally recorded when the book was released, in 2017]    


Student Protests in Solidarity with Palestine Face Violent Crackdown, What is Different This Time Around?

0:08 — Lex McMenamin is the news and politics editor at Teen Vogue covering politics, identity, activist movements and pop culture.  0:15 — Helga Tawil-Souri, is an Associate Professor of Media, Culture, and Communication and Middle East and Islamic studies at New York University. She is a member of NYU’s Faculty for Justice in Palestine. 0:33 … Continued


Israel and Iran Escalation; Plus, Bay Area Delegation Joins the Gaza Freedom Flotilla; What Grant Pass vs. Johnson Means for Homelessness in Bay Area;

0:08 — Naysan Rafati is Crisis Group’s Iran Senior Analyst. His research is focused on the Iran nuclear deal and Iran’s regional policies. 0:20 — Maria Lewis and Carlos Michaud are Bay Area participants in the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, seeking to deliver 5,500 tons of aid to Gaza. Follow their journey on Instagram and TikTok: … Continued