0:08 – Cat and Mitch analyze the official House inquiry into impeachment, the whistleblower case, and the newly released transcript of Trumps comments to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on July 25 demanding he investigate his political rival, Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden. 0:34 – What did and did not happen at the UN Climate Action … Continued

0:08 – As the UN Climate Action Summit kicked off day two in NYC, the world is watching Greta Thunberg. Yesterday she gave an impassioned speech, lambasting leaders for turning the youth for hope while failing to take meaningful action on climate mitigation. Host Brian Edwards-Tiekerts reports of the UN General Assembly, and catches up … Continued

0:08 – Live from the UN Climate Summit: Brian gives a live update from the United Nations in NY, where the UN Climate Summit is set to begin, starting with climate leader Greta Thunberg. Brian discusses his reporting on the Global Climate Strike, Friday Sep 20 and we hear voices from around the world at … Continued

0:08 – Global Climate Strike: Today millions are striking and marching to demand action on climate, led by youth. Amira Odeh, a geographer and water resource specialist from Puerto Rico. She is an environmental activist and has worked to reduce plastic pollution, train people into becoming community organizers and is helping to reforest Puerto Rico … Continued

0:08 – Tensions in the Gulf have heightened, in the wake of attacks on Saudi oil refineries. The Houthis in Yemen have blamed responsibility, but the US has already blamed and retaliated against Iran, issuing stricter sanctions. To explain the complex situation, we’re joined by Conn Hallinan, columnist with Foreign Policy in Focus. 0:34 – … Continued

0:08 – General Motors workers have gone out on strike. They’re demanding better wages, secure and quality healthcare, and fair staffing and management structures. We’re joined by Steven Greenhouse (@greenhousenyt) former New York Times labor reporter and author of Beaten Down, Worked Up: The Past, Present & Future of American Labor. 0:34 – South Africa … Continued

0:08 – Voters will go to the polls in Israel today for a run-off election amidst hardening right-wing ideology, threats against Palestine, and a deepening corruption scandal involving Benjamin Netanyahu. We’re joined by Khury Petersen-Smith (@kpYES) is the Michael Ratner Middle East Fellow at IPS. He researches U.S. empire, borders, and migration at the Institute … Continued

0:08 – Monday’s with Mitch: Oakland Promise, the Mayor’s signature project to raise money to support low-income families and students graduate college, is in the spotlight for its secret finances – more than $1 million dollars raised and no checks cut. Where is the money going? Why won’t the Mayor’s office provide answers to the … Continued