The Visionary Activist Show – April 6, 2006
Caroline returns from Malta and Turkey with guest Deborah Felmeth.
2:00 PM Pacific Time: Thursdays
Dedicated to “anything we need to know to have a democracy”: Democratic Animism, Pragmatic Mysticism, Applied Divination, Renaissance of Reverent Ingenuity. Hosted by Caroline Casey. Her guests are allies contributing to a culture of reverent ingenuity. Critique and Solution.
Caroline returns from Malta and Turkey with guest Deborah Felmeth.
Replay of the 1st Half of: Equinoctial Malta – The Return of She Wolf Given May 21st in Malta excavate, animate, syncretize A celebration of this powerful Equinox and the up-coming March 29th total Eclipse, as Pluto stations.
Replay of: January 27, 2005 Radio Show Coyote Network News! Caroline is joined in wonderful collaboration with great ally Deborah Felmeth in Syria prior to the Iraqi elections.
Of Women and Wolves, and the evolving democratic spirituality of now: As Caroline sets forth to Malta for the Equinox and Turkey for the Eclipse, she welcomes Guneli Gun, Turkish author of Scheherazadian novel "On the Road to Bagdad." who has said, "In pre-Islamic Ottoman Empire, the predominant deity was She-Wolf." Time to invite her … Continued
To honor and transform International Women’s Day into International Women’s Perpetual Now, Caroline is joined by Code Pink Yaqui Native American ally, Elli Painted Crow, a 22 year army veteran who served 6 months in Iraq, where she had a vision she will share with us, that we may take into our hearts and animate. … Continued
I Ching Voodoo At this lenten, post Mardi Gras moment, described by the I Ching as "Stripping the Bones," Caroline welcomes back Sallie Ann Glassman, author of "Voodoo Visions," to report from New Orleans, and Stephen Karcher, who has liberated the I Ching from its patriarchal overlay in his translation "Total I Ching."
We are almost 6 months past Katrina’s blow through New Orleans, and the human incompetent disregard that has devastated the city, the physical address of the soul of America. How goes New Orleans, so goes the nation. Caroline welcomes Sallie Ann Glassman, co-author of "The New Orleans Voodoo Tarot," author of "Voodou Visions", working to … Continued
Caroline Casey interviews James Ridgeway who is a prominent investigative journalist. He serves as Washington correspondent for The Village Voice, where he has worked since the mid-1970’s. He will be talking about his latest book, The 5 Unanswered Questions about 9/11.