The Visionary Activist Show
2:00 PM Pacific Time: Thursdays
Dedicated to “anything we need to know to have a democracy”: Democratic Animism, Pragmatic Mysticism, Applied Divination, Renaissance of Reverent Ingenuity. Hosted by Caroline Casey. Her guests are allies contributing to a culture of reverent ingenuity. Critique and Solution.
The Visionary Activist Show – November 9, 2006
After the election, woo-hoo! democracy and the Constitution take a deep gulp of air, vitalizing an era of deeper investigation, subpoenas, accountability, so that the democratic experiment may continue. We vow to never again abdicate power to those with callous and treasonous disregard for life. More than perfectly Caroline welcomes Steven Jones (former) Professor of … Continued
The Visionary Activist Show – October 26, 2006
Today we will play a portion of Caroline’s Bioneers presentation to a packed Big Tent of allies, the all-encompassing story-strategy of now. For complete talk go to
The Visionary Activist Show – October 19, 2006
At the Dark of the Moon, when traditionally elders gather to determine the next stage of culture, more than perfectly Caroline welcomes back, keeper of the mega-story of oil, Richard Heinberg (author of "The Party’s Over") whose most recent book is "The Oil Depletion Protocol, a plan to avert oil wars. terrorism and economic collapse." … Continued
The Visionary Activist Show – September 14, 2006
The waning season of Virgo reminds us that the word "culture," is derived from what we cultivate and harvest, literally. So, more than perfectly Caroline is joined by ally hemp entrepreneur, John Roulac to tell the story of the value of hemp cultivation and the bill now sitting on the Governator’s desk, awaiting our collective … Continued