The Visionary Activist Show

The Visionary Activist Show – March 13, 2008

Where there is Mars – Let there be Venus! Oh, and let Americans know history!Caroline welcomes Stephen Kinzer, whose splendid book, "All the Shah’s Men," just out in paperback, and including an urgent hyper-pertinent preface, "The Folly of Attacking Iran," is a book truly that all Americans (certainly candidates) should read. Delineating not only the … Continued

The Visionary Activist Show

The Visionary Activist Show – February 28, 2008

Caroline welcomes Dean Radin,Ph.D., Laboratory Director at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (worked at Bell Lab on telecommunications, two decades study on psychic phenomena in academia) that we may frolic in the Big Picture of inter-relatedness, and tease forth its implications into pragmatic  mysticism. His most recent book is "Entangled Minds."

The Visionary Activist Show

The Visionary Activist Show – January 24, 2008

On the Eve of Pluto’s entrance into Capricorn, (huge amplification of death and collapse re-birth and renewal), and we delve into the animating story of true leadership. Caroline welcomes Greg Sarris (author, Hollywood actor,  professor at UCLA, HBO collaborator with Robert Redford, etc.) who has returned to his home in Sonoma, where he is Tribal … Continued

The Visionary Activist Show

The Visionary Activist Show – January 17, 2008

Coyote Network News Election Coverage- Part One.Caroline is joined by long-time astrological colleague-ally, Heather Roan Robbins that we may deeply delve and cavort via the astrological charts of now, the up-coming election, the founding of the country, the candidates, and how we can all be the most effective agents possible for democracy on behalf of … Continued