The Visionary Activist Show

The Visionary Activist Show – Mending our broken treaties with Flora and Fauna

Mending our broken treaties with Flora and Fauna: To further guide us humans to dynamic collaboration with animals and plants, Caroline welcomes Scotty Johnson Senior Outreach coordinator for Defenders of Wildlife , lover of wild places, dedicated to protecting our wild kin, and guiding us to have ever more-informed reverence for life.  

The Visionary Activist Show

The Visionary Activist Show – Green Fire for Spring – Alcohol Can Be a Gas! part 2

Green Fire for Spring – Alcohol Can Be a Gas! part 2Caroline welcomes back long-time permaculture bio-fuels teacher activist genie, David Blume, Executive Director of the International Institute for Ecological Agriculture, dispelling objections with gleeful informed ingenuity, David opens the door for us all to go through into an ingenious and witty democratic community future … Continued

The Visionary Activist Show

The Visionary Activist Show – Let Imagination lay the tracks for the Reality Train!

Let's invite Venus, art, beauty and intimacy back from her exile, to be honored as a leading evolutionary ally, with author Denis Dutton, joining us from New Zealand, with his book, The Art Instinct," a Darwinian honoring of the evolutionary adaptogen leadership of art. DENIS DUTTON, a philosopher, is founder and editor of the highly … Continued

The Visionary Activist Show

The Visionary Activist Show –

Yo Team take heart! Caroline welcomes long-time mega-effective community organizer green activist Trickster, Paul Glover, whose manifest solutions to Philadelphia can apply to any city. While composting the snark (of those who derive status and/or identity from fear, cyncicism, privileged counter-democratic condescension) – as one of the ingredients from which the desirable future sprouts and … Continued

The Visionary Activist Show

The Visionary Activist Show – Alcohol Can Be a Gas!

Caroline welcomes long-time permaculture bio-fuels teacher activist genie, David Blume,Executive Director of the International Institute for Ecological Agriculture, dispelling objections with gleeful informed ingenuity, David opens the door for us all to go through into an ingenious and witty democratic community future (composting corporate tyranny as a bi-product).May every rude human kerfuffle catalyze human ingenuity! … Continued