The Visionary Activist Show

The Visionary Acvtivist – Honoring Dec 21 2012

Caroline hosts astro-colleague, phd paleo-climatology, and Aztec and Mayan astrological scholar Bruce Scofield along with Michael DiMartino, founder & producer of Synthesis 2012 has been leading groups through the Yucatan for 18 years; sharing the wisdom of the temples & pyramids, as well as the experience of the Kukulkan the return of the serpent, which … Continued

The Visionary Activist Show

The Visionary Acvtivist – October 25, 2012

Pre-election Pragmatic Mysticism Full Moon Mojo: Caroline hosts Marianne Williamson: “These are very serious times, and serious people need to be doing some serious thinking. The last thing we should do is allow ourselves to be infantalized by a counterfeit version of enlightenment. No true search for enlightenment ignores the suffering of other sentient beings. … Continued

The Visionary Activist Show

The Visionary Acvtivist – Prop 37: Mending the Fabric of Life

(John O’Donohue: “When the ghost of loss stands behind you…then may the ancestors place a cloak around you shoulders that will mend your life.”) Query to molecular biologists on previous show: “Might cutting DNA be likened to cutting our connection to our ancestral guiding story?” to which the scientists responded “just so.” So 4 cool … Continued