The Morning Show

The Morning Show – April 11, 2006

Election Coverage in Italy Norman Birnbaum, Professor at the Georgetown University Law Center and editor at The Nation Elections in Peru Danna Harmon, Latin American Correspondent for the Christian Science Monitor, speaking to us from Peru Reflections on KPFA’s Anniversary with Susan Stone, former director of KPFA’s Drama and Literature Department Richard Schwartz, author of … Continued

The Morning Show

The Morning Show – April 10, 2006

A Day without Immigrants Christina DeConcini. Immigration Policy Director at the National Immigration Forum Reverend Christy Swanson, Direct Services Director of CASA de Maryland What is the Delay in closing the Hunters Point Power Plant? Marrie Harrison, community organizer at GreenAction, columnist for the Bay View A conversation with Matthew Lasar about Elsa Knight Thompson

The Morning Show

The Morning Show – April 7, 2006

CIA outsourcing torture Bill Goodman, Center for Constitutional Rights legal director Howard Zinn on Iraq – Howard Zinn, historian and social activist, author of "A People’s History of the United States", the 1967 book, "Vietnam: The Logic of Withdrawal" and he’s written an introduction to a new book: "Iraq the Logic of Withdrawal" by Anthony … Continued

The Morning Show

The Morning Show – April 6, 2006

Massachusetts Health Insurance Plan: What’s it really about? – Alan Sager, Director of the Health Reform Program Boston University School of Public Health; Rachel DeGolia Organizer and Operations Director for Universal Health Care Action Network 1906 and 2006: Rephotographing the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire – Mark Klett, Arizona based photographer; Rebecca Solnit, is the … Continued

The Morning Show

The Morning Show – April 5, 2006

California, Climate Change, and the Weather – Karen Douglas, Director of the California Global Warming Initiative at Environmental Defense; Eugene Cordero, Assistant Professor at the San Jose State University Department of Meteorology, where he teaches a course on Climate Change David Bacon on recent Strikes by Miners throughout Mexico; Ben Davis, representative of the American … Continued

The Morning Show

The Morning Show – April 4, 2006

More Roads into the Wilderness thanks to Bush administation policy – Ryan Henson, Policy Director of California Wilderness Coalition Based in Oakland; Robert Vandermark, Director of the Heritage Forest Campaign, Failure of the "Summit for Life" in Brazil – Karen Sack, Greenpeace International Oceans Policy Advisor Minimum Wage – Jean Ross, Director of the California … Continued

The Morning Show

The Morning Show – April 3, 2006

France’s contentious new labor law – Tony Cross, FSRN Paris Correspondent Censure debate in the Senate- Matthew Rothchild, editor of the Progressive Magazine Poor News Network (1st Monday of every Month) Robyn McGee, author of "Hungry for More: A Keeping-It-Real Guide for Black Women on Weight and Body Image" Gary Wills, adjunct professor of history … Continued

The Morning Show

The Morning Show – March 31, 2006

Israeli Elections – "Gershom Gorenberg, author of "The Accidental Empire: Israel and the Birth of the Settlements 1967-1977"; Mitchell Plitnick, Director of Education and Policy for Jewish Voice for Peace Barriers and Obstacles to College Access for California’s students – Abdi Soltani, Executive Director, The campaign for college opportunity; Jordan E. Horowitz, Senior Project Director … Continued

The Morning Show

The Morning Show – March 30, 2006

Immigration debate in the Senate and protests in the Streets – Leigh Ann Caldwell, FSRN Washington Correspondent; Mark Silverman, Director of Immigration Policy; Ramon Cardona, Executive Director of the Central American Resource Center, "Carecen", as well as a Vice Deputy of the legislative assembly in El Salvador; T.V. Reed, director of American studies and professor … Continued