The Morning Show

The Morning Show – August 31, 2010

Update on Somalia with Abdi Somatar, Prof of Geography and Political Economy, Army attempts to send Muslim C.O., Nasser Abdo, to Afghanistan “Are We Born Racist?: New Insights from Neuroscience and Positive Psychology, ” with editor Jason Marsh , Zaytuna Institute opens first-of-its-kind 4-year muslim liberal arts college, Hatem Bazian, co-founder, GOP plans to hit … Continued

The Morning Show

The Morning Show – August 30, 2010

Obama administration sides with utilities in states’ global warming suit, Matt Pawa, co-lead counsel for the states suing to limit power plant emissions, Big Banks sold their products to themselves to pump up demand, Jake Bernstein, reporter with ProPublica, State Legislative Session Wrap-up with Christopher Martinez, Capitol Correspondent for the KPFA News, 2010 Smart Seafood … Continued

The Morning Show

The Morning Show – August 26, 2010

Wikileaks releases classified CIA Document, Anti-Muslim fallout over Ground Zero Mosque controversy, Ask an Economist: Productivity in the U.S. economy with Alejandro Reuss, member of the editorial board at Dollars & Sense magazine, Whooping Cough making a comeback, 5-year Anniversary of Katrina, Direct Actions planned against BP and Big Oil, Music Connection with host of … Continued

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