The Herbal Highway – March 11, 2004
The Thyroid. Karyn talks with Swami Satya Brahmananda.
1:00 PM Pacific Time: Tuesdays
The Herbal Highway enhances the community’s knowledge of herbal medicine and alternative choices to standard medical practices for healing. In order to have balanced life, The Herbal Highway actively supports and promotes Indigenous land rights, protection of sacred sites and the sustainability of the Earth as integral parts of individual, community and global healing. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook @theherbalhighway.
Hosted and produced by Karyn Sanders and Sarah Holmes. Additionally hosted by Emiliano Lemus and Renée Camila.
The Herbal Highway aired its last episode on February 4th. We are delighted to share that hosts Renée Camila and Emiliano Lemus are continuing the journey as producers and hosts of a new show called Planting Medicine. Same time, same place (Tuesdays at 1pm PT on KPFA).
The Thyroid. Karyn talks with Swami Satya Brahmananda.
Spring tonics with Diana DeLuca of the California School of Herbal Studies. Autumn Summers hosts.
Open listener call-ins.
Disease Prevention: What to do to Keep Yourself Healthy. Guest Lois Johnson, M.D. and Herbalist from Sebastopol.
Jane Bell and Steve Johnson of the Alaskan Flower Essence Project
Sustainable Herbalism, guest herbalist Candace Canton, who has returned from a recent trip to Central Asia. Autumn Summers hosts.
Donna Odierna interviews Karyn Sanders about her practice and teaching.
Karyn talks with Santa Rosa Herbalist Lois Johnson, M.D.
Karyn talks with author and herbalist Mathew Wood.
Winter Health. Guest Lhu Ming, traditional Chinese practitioner and Qigong teacher. Nam Singh and Karyn Sanders Host.