Terra Verde

Terra Verde – April 18, 2014

Earth Day is around the corner and May Day is coming up too, so what better time to discuss the ways that the labor and environmental movements intersect. Tune in to hear from three organizers who are bringing together many kinds of workers around the Bay toward a new economy with environmental aims: Brooke Anderson … Continued

Terra Verde

Terra Verde – Pesticide Exposures in Farmworker Communities and the Legacy of Cesar Chavez

Monday of this week was Cesar Chavez Day.  Cesar Chavez was an iconic civil and labor rights leader and founder of the United Farm Workers union.  In the 1980’s, Chavez led a high-profile boycott of table grapes, to protest the risk pesticides pose to farmworkers, rural communities, and consumers.  Today, in honor of Cesar Chavez, … Continued

Terra Verde

Terra Verde – March 28, 2014

Does your tap water contain fluoride? If so, why, and where does the fluoride come from? Should it really be in the water supply? Delve into these questions with Jay Sanders of Clean Water California, Paul Connett of the Fluoride Action Network, and children’s health campaigner Arlene Goetze.

Terra Verde

Terra Verde – Less SUDs, More Washing: The New Movement to Replace Single Use Disposable Food Containers

At the top of the reduce, reuse, recycle chain is reducing.  In this segment, Terra Verde explores a new movement to reduce the use of single use disposable food containers at casual dining restaurants, and replace them with reusable containers, even for takeout.  Guests:  Samantha Meyer, Zero Waste Program Manager with Clean Water Action’s California … Continued