
Talkies – March 12, 2020

Census forms start arriving in the mail March 12. The information gathered helps determine the allocation of federal funds for schools, roads, hospitals and other important local services. It also determines how congressional representation is divvied up. Ditas Katague, Director of California Count, joins guest host Max Pringle to talk about all things Census 2020. … Continued


Talkies – March 11, 2020

On this episode of the Talkies, the United Nations has officially declared Coronavirus a pandemic. Critics have called the U.S. government’s initial response to the crisis uneven at best, especially the lack of available testing kits. Stanford University Professor  of Medicine and Law Michelle Mello spoke with guest host Max Pringle about the government response … Continued


Talkies – March 10, 2020

On today’s Talkies, guest host Max Pringle speaks with the Middle East Institute’s Charles Lister about the worsening humanitarian crisis in Northern Syria as government troops, backed by Russia, close in on the last rebel stronghold of Idlib. Then film maker Abby Ginsberg joins us to discuss her new film “Waging Change.” It’s an uncompromising … Continued