Stan Cox, Ecosphere Studies Research Fellow at the Land Institute in Kansas, writes on the economic and political roots of our global crises.  He also shares some healing ideas. Hosted by Kris Welch.   Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash


Democracy in Crisis

Democracy is under attack on a global scale, including in the United States.  The scope and details, as well as potential avenues for recovery, are illuminated by our guest, Dr. Jennifer McCoy. Hosted by Kris Welch.


R.I.P. P.O.? Town Crier!

The U.S. Post Office is under attack—from billionaires.  Investigator par excellence Lisa Graves (True North Research) gives us a heads-up. PLUS: poet Raymond Nat Turner. Hosted by Kris Welch.


ALEC/Koch vs. Democracy! D.O.D. entitlement! Bioneers!

New research from the Center for Media and Democracy on the Koch brothers tentacles squeezing democracy.  PLUS: the biggest entitlement queen of the federal government is the U.S. Department of Defense: Bill Hartung says it’s time to stop. PLUS! it’s Bioneers time! with hope for the planet fostered by these innovators. Hosted by Kris Welch.



Evolutionary biologists talk of the ‘maximum power principle’: that the human species’ thirst for “power over” is nearly genetic.  How are we then to voluntarily reduce our power in order to save the planet? Richard Heinberg offers some guidelines. Hosted by Kris Welch.