
Saturday Morning Talkies – March 7, 2009 at 9:00am

The 50th anniversary of the Chinese takeover of Tibet; A new film from Robert Greenwald; women daredevils, radicals, insurgents and visionaries from all over the world.  With host Kris Welch. guests: Dechen Tsering, pres. Tibetan Association of Northern Calif.         Robert Greenwald, filmmaker (Outfoxed; Uncovered: the War on Iraq; etc.) with new film, "Rethinking Afghanistan" … Continued


Saturday Morning Talkies – Obama’s Iraq pullout; teenage girls making films in Nicaragua. – February 28, 2009 at 9:00am

We talk with Phyllis Bennis about President Obama's announced troop withdrawal from Iraq: is it too little, too late?  PLUS: a report from POwerShift 09, 10,000 young leaders in DC; and  women and girls making films in Central America.  guests: Phyllis Bennis, fellow, Institute for Policy Studies          Thalia Drori, filmmaker (Little Miss Potentiality, etc.); … Continued


Saturday Morning Talkies – California budget; “Fiscal Responsibility Summit”; Malcolm X’s legacy.February 21, 2009 at 9:00am

The 2/3 vote requirement and how it holds California hostage.  Plus: entitlements (aka Social Security) on the block?  Obama discusses it Monday—we discuss it today.  Plus: today is the anniversary of the assassination of Malcolm X.  We talk about his legacy. Guests: Rick Jacobs, founder and chair, Courage Campaign.Robert Borosage, Campaign for America's Future.Kevin Alexander … Continued


Saturday Morning Talkies – February 7, 2009

SATURDAY MORNING TALKIES  7 February 2009   The true cost of coal: "mountain-top removal" leaves Appalachia, and possibly the whole planet, fighting for survival.  We hear about the fight, and how to help.  With host Kris Welch, nine to ten a.m. DVD: Black Diamonds.  


Saturday Morning Talkies – The bombing of the Gaza Strip into perspective – January 3, 2009 at 9:00am

Rashid Khalidi, Edward Said Professor of Arab Studies at Columbia University and Beshara Doumani professor in the Department of History at the University of California, Berkeley put the bombing of the Gaza Strip into perspective. Plus live reports from Gaza City and Bethlehemat the start of the second week of the aerial attacks on Gaza. … Continued

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