
Saturday Morning Talkies – July 3, 2004

It’s Independence Day tomorrow: does that include the media??? Sut Jhally, founder and executive director of the Media Education Foundation will join us. He’s in the Bay Area for the Declarations of Media Independence Summit at USF. With host Kris Welch, nine to ten a.m.


Saturday Morning Talkies – June 19, 2004

The KPFA Labor Collective presents a three hour special on the SEIU National March for Health Care, taking place Saturday June 20th across the Golden Gate Bridge. The march will focus on worker’s rights and is a part of the International SEIU Convention in San Francisco. Also part of the broadcast is a celebration of … Continued


Saturday Morning Talkies – May 22, 2004

In the 2003 San Francisco election, Board of Supervisors President Matt Gonzalez ran for mayor on a populist platform, energizing a new electorate and attracting a large and diverse coalition of voters. In a surprising turn of events, Gonzalez announced he will not run for re-election in District 5, shocking his local supporters. Matt will … Continued

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