Sunday Show – January 28, 2024 “Ceasefire” and “Deep in the Heart”
In the first hour, “Ceasefire” with Juan Cole. In the second hour, “Deep in the Heart” with Rachel Monroe.
9:00 AM Pacific Time: Sundays
Hosted by Philip Maldari, topics range from current political events, author interviews (usually non-fiction), world history, and science, to gardening.
In the first hour, “Ceasefire” with Juan Cole. In the second hour, “Deep in the Heart” with Rachel Monroe.
In the first hour, “The Struggle Continues” with Bill Fletcher Jr. In the second hour, “Winter on the Eastern Front” with Anthony D’Agostino.
In the first hour, “Money for Some” with Dean Baker. In the second hour, “Taking Israel to Court” with John Quigley.
In the first hour, “Vermin Unite!” with Sasha Abramsky. In the second hour, “Islam in America” with Zahra Billoo.
In the first hour, “War Without End” with Joel Beinin. In the second hour, “What Happened?” Lawrence Rosenthal
In the first hour, “The Year that Was” with Karen Greenberg. In the second hour, “Bombs for Peace” with Michael Klare.
In the first hour, “Craving a Choice” with Andrew Cockburn. In the second hour, “The Christmas War” with Juan Cole.
In the first hour, “Winter of Discontent” with Bill Fletcher Jr. In the second hour, “The War Goes On” with George Bisharat.
Decolonizing Palestine and America, with feminist scholar Nada Elia, author of Greater than the Sum of Our Parts, and grassroots Palestinian activist Reem Attieh. And in the second hour, Not Dead: How Is Abortion Access Being Increased, with Elisa Wells, cofounder of Plan C and Flor Hunt, Executive Director of TEACH (Training in Early Abortion for Comprehensive Healthcare). Plan C is the subject … Continued
Hosted by Philip Maldari, topics range from current political events, author interviews (usually non-fiction), world history, and science, to gardening.