Special Broadcast
KPFA Special Broadcast – May 30, 2004
Join Dr. Person-Lynn for 14 Solid Hours of African Mental Liberation Programming, Featuring: Eraka Rouzorondu Afrikan Way Of Life Dr. Arthur Lewis Afrika’s Resources To The World Dr. Charles Copher Black People In And Of The Bible Nijel Binns Afrikan Origin Of The Martial Arts Prof. Ivan Van Sertima Interview Prof. Deborah Maat Moore Afrikan … Continued
– May 23, 2004
Five decades and counting: the country’s oldest non-commercial network, originating with KPFA in Berkeley, celebrates its profound archival history in this 5 hour special featuring such radio classics as comic Richard Pryor’s own KPFA radio show, playwright Bertholt Brecht testifying before HUAC, Tianenmen Square on that fateful summer day in 1989, plus music and spoken … Continued
Special Broadcast – May 1, 2004 at 11:00am
Listen to children stories on the first hour and Brazilian music on the second hour. Hosted by Adalia, regular host of Brazilian Music, aired every other Monday from 1 AM to 3 AM.