Special Broadcast

KPFA Special Broadcast – July 24, 2006

Dr. Vandana Shiva is a physicist, ecologist, activist, editor, and author of many books. In India she has established Navdanya, a movement for biodiversity conservation and farmers’ rights. She directs the Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Natural Resource Policy. Her most recent books are "Biopiracy: The Plunder of Nature" and "Knowledge and Stolen Harvest: … Continued

Special Broadcast

– June 16, 2006

"A History of Funk" Special Presentation – 10 Years have passed since the passing of Pac. Beginning at 10pm KPFA will have four hours of Tupac, including music, interviews, call-ins, and clips from some of the movies Tupac was featured in. Join hosts Maya Rise, Los, Giggles, and POCC Minister of Information JR… Funky Man, … Continued

Special Broadcast

KPFA Special Broadcast – June 12, 2006

"RADYO KALAYAAN[‘FREEDOM’/’LIBERATION’]" Annual Philippine Independence Day Special on KPFA MUSIKA SPOKEN WORD NEWS REVIEWS SPECIAL GUESTS MARAMING GIVEAWAYS FilmMaker INTERVIEWS: "RIGODON" & "CAVITE" Philippine Current Events Panel with RP Government & Opposition Voices invited LIVE in the KPFA STUDIOS: Solo/Acoustic Performance: GOLDA SUPERNOVA (8thWonder/BindlestiffStudio.org) Pinay Folksingers ILAYA & EVELIE (Mahal) Oscar Penaranda (KEARNY STREET WORKSHOP) … Continued

Special Broadcast

KPFA Special Broadcast – June 6, 2006

On Tuesday, Phil Angelides and Steve Westley square off to see who will take on Arnold Schwarzenegger in the race for Governor. Republicans may lose the house seat vacated by imprisoned representative Randy "Duke" Cunningham. And the cities of Oakland and San Jose choose new mayors. We’ll have live results and analysis of those elections … Continued