Special Broadcast

KPFA Special Broadcast – January 5, 2008

Imagine a musician single-handedly redefining what an instrument can do, elevating it to a whole other level. That’s what the late Max Roach did for the drums. Whether its Jazz or rock or funk, there isn’t a drummer today who isn’t somehow influenced by what Roach played. But that’s only a part of Max Roach’s … Continued

Special Broadcast

KPFA Special Broadcast – January 5, 2008

It seems like we’re born to shop. There’s something primal that makes us want to buy things — that hunt for the perfect item — or perfect feeling. At any mall, we’re bombarded with thousands of secret signals pressuring us to spend. But marketers insist they are just catering to the ever-changing whims of the … Continued

Special Broadcast

KPFA Special Broadcast – December 31, 2007

Income generation is one indicator of power differences between racial groups in the United States. For instance, in 1968 African Americans made 55 cents for every dollar a white person made. In 2004, it was 58 cents. But accumulated wealth, not income alone, may be the most revealing index of inequality. So why the disparities? … Continued