Rock en Rebelión

Rock en Rebelión – October 8, 2006

this episode is no longer available

Rock En Rebelion will follow the Blues Festival special with a hour full of great latin alternative music at 5 pm. Miguel Guerrero and the crew will feature the two live cd set from Mexico’s Los De Abajo as well as music from Babasonicos and Dhira. Join Rock En Rebelion for another great hour of … Continued

Rock en Rebelión

Rock en Rebelión – October 1, 2006

this episode is no longer available

Rock en Rebelión continues to cover the latest in the post-electoral process as the situation in Oaxaca worsens in Mexico + the best in rock, pop and electronic sounds from Latin-America and from New York City, an exclusive interview with Sweet Electra and a peak at their latest release "Cama" as they wrap up their … Continued