Radio Chronicles

Radio Chronicles – February 11, 2007

Urban Green Continuing with the KPFA Winter Fund Drive, Safi wa Nairobi hosts the Radio Chronicles, presenting Urban Green, a documentary exploring "the ribbons of greenery in our city environment: urban watersheds, community gardens and farmers markets, that connect us to the cycles of life." From wagon roads to freeways, community farming to open air … Continued

Radio Chronicles

Radio Chronicles – January 28, 2007

What Can I Say? What does it mean to be U. S. American? Today Safi wa Nairobi hosts the Radio Chronicles, presenting What Can I Say?, a radio documentary produced by Sara Fishko for WNYC’s Whose Democracy is It?. This show looks at patriotism and dissent in mass culture, particularly in song and music, humour, … Continued

Radio Chronicles

Radio Chronicles – January 21, 2007

"What do James Brown, Martha and the Vandellas, the Rolling Stones, and a stay-at-home mom in Berkeley have in common? They all contribute to a special Radio Chronicles mix on the Vietnam Era. Stagebridge senior storytellers bring us their memories in musical colors.

Radio Chronicles

Radio Chronicles – January 14, 2007

How is there going to be peace if there is no justice? In efforts to promote justice for all, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. pushed for peace through direct action, social change, civil and human rights. Hear how activist and educator Angela Davis was profoundly impacted by the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing in … Continued