Pushing Limits

Pushing Limits – August 21, 2005

Pushing Limits will air "Portraits of Johannah", stories of a lesbian with a mental disability, who has survived child abuse, gay bashing and anti-disabled discrimination, had many interesting adventures, and does all this with humor, wit and grace. Pushing Limits Shelley Berman with correspondent Thyme Siegel interview Johannah Lee to air these stories on Pushing … Continued

Pushing Limits

Pushing Limits – August 7, 2005

Hosts Adrienne Lauby and Leroy Moore will address psychiatric disabilities. "Mad Pride Is Human Pride" . In honor of Mad Pride Month, celebrated this year in four nations, Pushing Limits will feature the extraordinary story of Catherine Penny, who recovered from severe psychosis without the use of psychiatric drugs. The hosts will interview Dr. Daniel … Continued

Pushing Limits

Pushing Limits – July 31, 2005

Pushing Limits will discuss and play the music of selected jazz musicians with disabilities. Hosts, Eddie Ytuarte, Nora Ryerson, Doyle Saylor and Leah Gardner will present the music of singer Jimmy Scott who had Kallmann’s Syndrome, a hereditary hormonal deficiency that stunted his growth and kept his voice from developing a deeper sound, blind musician … Continued

Pushing Limits

Pushing Limits – July 17, 2005

Hosts Adrienne Lauby and Leroy Moore will address psychiatric disabilities. "Mad Pride Is Human Pride" . In honor of Mad Pride Month, celebrated this year in four nations, Pushing Limits will feature the extraordinary story of Catherine Penny, who recovered from severe psychosis without the use of psychiatric drugs. The hosts will interview Dr. Daniel … Continued

Pushing Limits

Pushing Limits – July 3, 2005

Hosts Leah Gardener and Doyle Saylor discuss disabled athletes in a variety of contexts. The hosts will cover The Sidney Gay Games in 2002 and will interview Paralympics Judo silver medalist Lorie Pierce. The energy these athletes express about their sport and accomplishments is dynamic and exciting.

Pushing Limits

Pushing Limits – May 29, 2005

Brown Broken Disabled Bodies: Stories & Cases of Police Brutality from Boston, Denver, Toronoto, Chicago and San Francisco. Guests: Allegra "Happy" Haynes, City Liaison of Denver, Elizabeth Bruckmann of Parkdale Community Legal Services of Toronto, Keith Jones of SoulTouchin’ Experiences, Boston, Ruth Pena of Families of the Wrongfully Convicted in Chicago and Malikia Parker of … Continued

Pushing Limits

Pushing Limits – May 15, 2005

Pushing Limits hosts Leah Gardner and Safi wa Nairobi will interview Watts Village Theatre Company President and co-founder Lynn Manning. Lynn Manning is the award winning playwright, poet actor, former Para Olympian, World Champion of Blind Judo and technical consultant for television’s Blind Justice. Lynn Manning will discuss his new play "Up From the Downs" … Continued